Thursday, December 18, 2008
Christmas spirit :)
Chismas phase,
making things,
while they sing!
happy pigs,
cinnamon sticks,
yummy food,
funny mood!
happy elf,
with do-it-yourself,
secret gifts,
and free lifts!
When its time,
there is rhyme,
and some cheer,
will be near!
[P.S: Also beer! :P ]
The ever-changing life.
I sometimes wonder...
We all rant, we all go through similar experiences in life... yet how much they differ!
We all feel, we all know what a certain feeling feels like... and yet we can’t warn somebody else about it.
Most of us "get it" when a friend says something... yet we’re so helpless.
And we all know what some feelings, people, situations, days do to us... yet there is no way of stopping it.
Life is complicated,
Life is beautiful.
Life is an open, continuous road,
Life will go on.
I think back on all the shit I’ve been through, all the wrong friends, all the wrong decisions... It makes me wonder... Im sure everybody has doubts - about others, friends, feelings, decisions... themselves.
Makes me wonder if all the discussions, arguments and psychological testing really help people feel better or worse. Self Acceptance scale? Yeah ok, thanks for letting me know I don’t/do accept myself. Wasn’t aware of it, but now I am!
Throughout life there are/will be small things that changes the way we feel, think about ourselves. Its subtle, but its there. Suddenly one day, you realise life is nothing like what it used to be. You don’t think that way anymore, you’ve grown up? Questionable. :)
Everything changes, everybody changes. Scary, but live with it. After all you are a part of the whole. You are no different.
But then again... you are.
To life and complicated posts!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Of this and that.
She tries blasting The Beatles to drown out the lame music. It doesnt work. The beats of the music at that club gets faster and louder and finally ceases... only to be followed by another song by another slightly better singer.
People come online on gtalk and start random conversations. For awhile she`s distracted with conversations and food. Interesting status msgs to interesting people. Gtalk is a well-equipped timepass tool.
He finally comes online and there is some random conversation about the football match. The topic changes, a few more nice words and lame jokes. 10 minutes already and he has to go. A `Whatever` followed by curt goodbyes.
The kannada music is still blaring. The Beatles lost this time. Some more people talk. More people go.
Now, there is hardly anything left to do online... She looks around, lost in thought. Maybe read that book. She`s still thinking of curt goodbyes.
She`s reading about epistomology and subjectivity. She`s thinking about words.
Her thoughts are interrupted. She doesnt reply to the message this time. She`s still thinking.
Another message. A smile. Her fingers tap away happily before turning back to the screen.
The lame kannada music finally stops. The Beatles won. :)
Time to say good night.
Just another evening online. Just another day that passed.
Good night my friends. Sleep well and dream sweet. Tomorrow will be another day, evening, night. Lets hope it brings something diffferent. Or are we comfortable with what we have?
Everything in its place.
And like the end of every other post,
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thinking and decoding..
We didn't know what their's was like.
Phases, people and few other blogs,
People aint that different after all.
Sitting in class, I look around,
People talk, people frown.
There are a few others, who have no clue,
Mundane topics - Should sweatshirts be blue?
Walking out and I meet an old friend,
She talks of days that have come to an end.
Many others, just ramble on
soon one day, they will all be gone.
Wherever I look, this is what i see,
This feeling inside, its getting to me.
Decode and think, am I lost?
This time for me, my fingers are crossed!
Random feelings poetry... Decoding what Im feeling... Not being very successful. Abort mission?
Oh well... Cheers!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
This is a weirdly happy post.
Well... This is the kind of happiness that comes because nothing is wrong with life at the moment. I mean, everybody has small misfortunes and bad days... But still.. Somehow life is not all that bad!
Sure I'd still rather be elsewhere than here... But here is comfortable too, right now - Everything in its right place :)
Life is definitely the way You look at it.
I think I'll look at it with some happiness. Or at least try... Everybody knows there will be times when Poo Happen...
Making a list of things you get high is fun!
- Lays!
-surrounding highness
-Happy music!
- Boots!
-Lamborghini... :D
- Good food!
- randomness!
-mint hookah!
-riding in the rain...
- day outs/ sleepovers
- Coonoor...
- Making absolutely No Sense!
- Sampeep! :P
Sigh... Cheers to life! And its not-so-badness... :P
P.S : Shall keep adding to this list i guess... there is So much more...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I stare out the window and its dark, its blank.
flashes of the past, memories - fond or not,
nothing seems to bother me right now.
im just sitting, staring into the emptiness, out there a candle burns.
its not a bad feeling, its not sad.
its simply the lack of it all.
this is me. my feeling. my story.
This, is my state of blankness.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Circus of life
Life seems like a happy fair.
Jokers, jugglers, lions and some,
everybody's having fun!
Different people come to see,
they all seem curious to me.
Jump up high, try to fly,
"This is life", they say and sigh.
Soon its all boring and old,
that is when the day gets cold.
Very few things seem brand new,
now, nobody has a clue.
Life goes on, blankly so,
then one day, its time to go.
Change your mind, look up and smile,
We are going another mile.
This will be another day,
taking me down another way.
Want to see another town,
oh joker! Don't let me frown...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
What it is to feel...
-When you realize how much somebody means to you,
-When you realize how much somebody means to somebody else.
When you realize how much you can feel.
Moments are after all, just momentary. It will pass.
Feelings - They linger on...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
A new beginning...
Good things, Bad things, Do they always balance out?
Her status message very aptly describes the happy parts of the month - Of foof, do doos and happy people. :)
There are some days in your life when you are unsure of it all. And then something comes along and the tables turn.
You think, and think and think, and yet your decision becomes impulsive.
There were days when Why? actually became Why not?
A stressed out month, "morogolds" everywhere. A productive month, all the work is done.
A fun month, light moments bring a smile.
It was the after effects of August.
People are strange. They make me curious...
Its always nice to see people happy and smiling.
"We need happy people because we can't make ourselves happy anymore," she said.
"No way. We just want [not need] to find different ways to stay happy, discover new ways."
Its true. Maybe its because we are scared of losing the happiness we got by a certain thing/person. That is why we are always looking. Simple joys of life, there are so many.
If not this, we can turn to something else. If not that we are looking for another way.... Just in case.
But yes, We can be happy if we wanted to. We have all had happy days to remember and bring back to life. What's stopping us? People? Thoughts? Feelings? Experiences? Memories?
Again, good things and bad things. Don't they balance out?
For every bad memory, there is a good memory to think of.
For every bad/sad feeling there is a good feeling - doesn't really have to be happiness. It could be peace of mind. That would make Me happy for sure!
"The things that things do to you!"
Ah, life... Its full of it. Every kind of 'it' you can imagine! It makes a person wonder....
Cheers to smiling days, curious people and interesting lives!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
May August pass.
All the bad times and the shit
May September be another month
Where there will be happiness and fun.
I hope this September brings happiness. I hope it brings surprises. I hope it brings fun times.
I hope this September brings interesting days. I hope it brings less complications. I hope it brings good decisions.
Good things and bad things happened at the end of August... Her birthday was so much fun! The preparation for it was so much fun! I'm glad she liked it all. That was a good day.
His cell is still switched off. He is still in a bad mood. We need to meet! Not good, not good......
Coonoor! Where do I even began? The beautiful cemetery, the nice weather, the fun times and the funny people! Everyday was something to do, something to happen... Cheers to the Homecoming!
Too bad about that though... Shit happens, people make mistakes.
September is here!
After effects of August it has been so far... Things will happen this month. It maybe for good. Not just me, them too.
For good.
I hope.
Just as long as it doesn't become hope with a C... :D
Cheers to the passing of August, may September bring us peace.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
This is still August.
There were good things, there were bad things. People were high, people were lost. I am here, I am thinking...
The Homecoming
The birthday.
Karma Police
Playing music.
Our fight
Our talk.
Our lives...
So, many more people are aware of my August theory now. It maybe true, it may not be for you.
You may want to disprove it. I hope you do.
The ironic days... Things are falling into place. Reality bites, but its life.
Inertia creeps... I don't know what to do now. I am used to a routine. I am used to my life.
I was watching this nice movie today... "Pay it forward" it was called. Makes sense to me.
The basic concept was - You help three people, as in truly, when they really need it. And they in turn, help three other people, who help three other! And before you know it, The problem of Global warming will end!! [No, the Movie was not about global warming... Its just the concept thats cool.]
So thats about whats happening... Preparations for birthday and movie is making me run around a little and keep me occupied... Brother was here! More clothes, more funny times... She left though. :(
Cheers to the end of August!
Friday, August 1, 2008
August is here.
"We're having a 'talk' tomorrow."
"Don't go. Stay for awhile. Don't leave me with myself.."
"I don't want to be over him...."
I have to go now. Mom in the background, Sleep! she says.... Good night y'all. - 11:00p.m
11:32 - "Hi, sleeping?" he asks... "Simply called," he says.... We talk for awhile.... Have to sleep now...Good night, take care man.
12:08 - She calls. She's in a shitty mood. He's going to do it, she says. She's in a shitty mood. She's looking for that diary. She's in a shitty mood. Call those bums I say... She said ya ok.... I love you, she says. I love you so much too.
12:51 - My brother. He calls. "That guy, THAT guy," he says. "That guy has a girlfriend! What the hell am i doing! I'm ashamed of myself" he says. He is laughing, he can't believe it. He's very amused.
"OK, go sleep now" he says... Good night bro.
August is here.
August 1st :
The day has begun, the month has begun.
- The day doesn't feel good.
- She left a suicide note.
- What is the point?? we argue....
- She cried. "Don't EVER...." she said.
- Stones change things....
"We're ok :)" she says... That's the best news I've heard today.
Maybe there will be good days after all...
I'll keep my fingers crossed...
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The four of us! [SPAS]
For Qwiky's,
For sleepovers,
For crazy parties,
For random days.
For every time we made a memory, For every time you made the difference.
For you girls... For my girls...
It all started once upon a time,
Well those days, they were not so fine.
They sat on their white horses and they came,
Picked me up and played this game...
One showed Hope, could dangle on a string,
She said, well, just the right thing!
Snakes and ladders - thats how life is,
With her around, there's nothing I'll miss.
The other told me stories of fun,
She had just all the right ones!
Chessboard of life - black and white was what I'd seen,
She showed me the grey in between.
This one, she knew exactly how it felt,
They are alike, the stories we tell.
Life like a carom pawn- This way or that,
To stick with a decision, thats what she taught.
Together, we became the SPAS,
What it is? Really, don't ask.
They pull me through, these girls of mine,
And I love them, all through time.
PS: Guess this is as "girly" as I can get! Love you bums!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Of closure
There is sand in my shoes,
I’m waiting…
It is time for the blues.
Where everything perfectly fit.
I’m waiting…
My shadow grows longer.
So close, so far.
I’m waiting…Forever -
Feels like I’m sitting all alone, inside your head.
But now the tables have turned,
It’s all gone, just dropped those feelings behind me.
Somehow I knew it would be this way,
Somehow I knew it would fade away.
Tears fall down my face, the taste is something new.
The year will pass, the seasons go.
Watched, as the sea washed it away.
The people by my side, they are here to stay.
When you think its fine,
It is over.
And we both will agree,
It was always meant to be this way.
Our days were good, but have come to an end.
All things are said and done, our bags are packed – We will soon be gone.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The 4 of us...
Met you on a day so dark,
But on that day you left a mark.
As nuts as you maybe,
Best friends are what ya'll are to me.
Times we share, things we dare,
We are crazy but we care...
Take a trip, take a sip,
When on the bike, yes we rip!
Online smiles, nice surprise,
You know cards, not the dice.
Where there are stones, there is a way
And their smiles make my day.
Here's to the happy times to come,
And that music to which we hum.
May those lights guide us home,
Or like Rls we will roam!
So i wrote a crazy poem for you,
But its just to say you guys are too cool!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
August approaches...
History repeating itself - Team B, 1 year old book, the play list... The Bleh.
It's slowly making its way through all the happiness, this feeling that I was once so familiar with. Only this time, I know what it is. I have a name. I have that weird feeling.
"It's amazing how you can still smile after that!"
"Go talk to him"
"Since we had to bring something that meant a lot to us personally...."
"Its all a matter of luck."
"See, its a sign."
Slowly losing things, slowly losing myself.
A passion, I need a new passion.
A book, I need a new book.
The circle of life - guess this was meant to happen - destiny - faith - hope - let go of the bleh - be happy - cause its the circle of life, it will come back.
Cheers to what's to come!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Goa... go ya and random life issues.
Goa. So well planned. So wanted to go. So needed the fun.
Everything was thought about... Well, almost everything! People change minds...
So what if its raining? It might have felt good.
That well deserved break is a long way of... Maybe its not well deserved yet. Goa - always wanted to go there... In the train and everything! It was said that if too much planning occurs, we shall end up not going.... Something that was scorned then.
But well... OK... It didn't happen.
Other random life issues - More for my reference in the future than yours.
Pot pourri
Paris hilton the guy.
My first patient.
The Vamp
Her testimonial.
The fear
The coincidence of in-my-face 5 times and more.
The confiding
The considering.
The tin helmet
The pmsing day.
Set dosas,
tea hunger.
Ah well, sleep IS of utmost importance. Just like currency on your phone.
Cheers! :)
Friday, July 4, 2008
A day that happened.
Comm.raids - Funny day.
Can't believe he took My blazer!! What coincidence!!
Coldplay - Chicagos
T shirt - Cd
Violet hill - Yellow
Oh what a thing to do...
Me - You.
It was a nice day. Sun shining... rather rain falling! Music in the air. Fun times, "cordial conversations". A crazy ride back... the boots. A day to remember.
Its kind of weird you know, now that i think about it. How things change...
But I do feel like Im stuck somewhere.
Like there is something I need to figure out.
Its something at the back of my head...
Maybe I Do need a break. Do something else, lose myself somewhere.
I read something i had written a few months ago...
You are an open book slowly coming to its end, but I'm scared to finish it, cause i may not understand the story. It wont be the same even if i open the book again... It will just be words, full of memories.
Its ending now, unless you begin a new chapter...
Or I pick up a new book.
Cheers to the life we live, weird as it may get!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Random high
A high.
Moving to the beats.
People around, people with booze, people with people.
People alone, people in the corner, people with their eyes closed.
The floor is almost full, the lights play here and there... People sway.
The right music is played, there is shouts of appreciation in the air.
Close your eyes and enjoy the music. Feel like letting go... Random steps on the floor.
Open your eyes, smile at your pal. Things couldn't feel better. Dance together, moves nobody else can do.
The music comes to an end... Stand back awhile. Watching a few others dance, smile at some moves... Very amusing.
But nothing can keep you from dancing very long... Moving to rhythm again, thoughts running in your head, lyrics you say...
The last song. No more. Time to leave, who wants to go?
Pick up your stuff, pick up yourself... Walk out of the high.
There is no better stress buster than a good party and music to go high on!
Haven't been there,done that in a long while...
Here' s to the invention of good mood music and dance and parties!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Poetry of.
All alone in a bright lit room,
nobody to turn to.
All for one in this bright lit room,
somebody to run to.
Look beside you, look behind
nobody who trusts you.
Look inside you, look for time
somebody will love you.
And when they say,
this will be the day,
don't believe it
just walk away,
they only speak
the same old shit
nothing changes,
nothing will.
They will forget, they will live
you are the one that time will kill.
So stop right now and take a breath,
then you shall see, no more dances with death.
Or you'll find the mistakes you make,
once kept you happy are now just a fake.
maybe when you hope, you will see
happiness is a one-way street.
Now let it go, let it leave,
then i will come back and life will be
the way we want it - just you and me,
you made the promise, now pay the fee.
Cause its a bright lit room tonight,
and there's only two people there,
and the other one,
shouldn't have cared.
Monday, June 16, 2008
As we go on...
My last year.
The bonding year?
Super seniors.
"So, where are you going after this year?"
I don't want to leave. I can still look back on my past two years and think of all the memories I have had.
Friends, parties, classes, heartbreak and hopes... It has been by far the most eventful years of my life. Sometimes i wish nothing would change, or at least they come back to how it was.
And then again, maybe not.
The "what if" situations always make their presence felt. I know we are all going through these insecurities about the future... I read the blogs and they all wonder if they are good enough. I do too. "What if" i am not really good enough? They are so many people in my class who might be better than me, who i think are better than me.
But we are seniors, we have to set an example to the juniors. We have to pretend to know what it really is like.
But do we really?
Will we manage to do everything... or at least half of what we hope to in life? Will we become what we want to in this ever-changing, unpredictable life?
But people have before, I guess we will too.
Then there is everybody... The people I have been with, seen for the past two years or so... Is this really going to be the last chance? The last time I will ever sit with them in the same class, share the same absurdities.
Not to mention the varieties of food...! :D
Will I ever see the people i hope to years from now? Reunions may be the best alternative.
Anyways... For all those who care, and I care for, I guess we all do want it bad enough to make it happen the way we want it. After all, I don't think we would have gotten so far otherwise! So lets keep it going...
We shall change the world!
um... yeah. That.
P.S: I really like the following song. Says it right. [Vitamin C - Graduation]
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real cool
Stay at home talking on the telephone with me
We'd get so excited, we'd get so scared
Laughing at our selves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels
1 - As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can we ever find a job that won't interfere with a tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
Repeat 1
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
Repeat 1 (3x)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
The days of the cardboard boxes...
"Intellectually stimulating conversations" on one side, the crazy "because we like being absurd" on the other.
"Art imitates life"- The most controversial statement of the day. What is art? What is imitation? What is life!?
Why do we discuss things if we know we will never find a solution?
Because its in the ambiguity that the beauty lies.
Reminds me of the cliche statement of how its the journey that is important and not the destination.
I quote something off Chicken Soup - "I miss the days of the cardboard boxes."
Cardboard boxes = Childhood.
The age of innocence, the age where "complications" was an unknown word, the age where even a cardboard box was enough to amuse us.
And then...
We grew up.
No. I'm not saying it is a bad thing. In fact, "I'm loving it!" It's all part of this so-called life. But it is so very interesting... The experiences you have in life, your regrets, your memories, your thoughts - They all change. One day your sitting here thinking life will be this way because it can't be any other way... and before you know it, you will be saying the famous statement- "Who would have ever thought...?" or along those lines.
Doesn't it ever make you wonder?
Life is just the kind of thing that gets me thinking. It comes right before People and after "Do Not Press" buttons.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Kerala - Memories - Don't wanna miss a thing!
Yes, it was true we had to leave the next morning... He didn't want us to leave. I forgot to mention the convincing session last night.
Nobody wanted to go, but we had to...
...So nobody woke up in the morning.
Kerala - The memories - the people - the trip-
Every moment spent with you, is a moment I treasure...
And no, I don't wanna miss a thing!"
Our 3rd day at Mallu land...
.... When we finally did wake up, it was with smiles on our faces,
.... She decided to try and get some work done if possible - It was all about snakes and ladders for awhile,
.... I go online, try to keep in touch with my other world.
.... It's time for some home breakfast, the Author and the Shakespeare fan come too.
.... Some Uno? No, we see the photos, upload the others, include the videos - Today will be the day of memories.
.... We made them read the memories we left behind. More mallu talk,but they smile.
.... She wants the hammock, I want the music.
.... There was tapioca chips for boredom.
.... Shakespeare fan left in awhile, the tapioca chips were over.
.... It was the four of us, our music and our lives.
.... Two tried sleeping, two made the play list.
.... The aunt wanted a computer. They thought they'll go.... They didn't.
.... So, it was the beach again. :)
Another beautiful sunset - Another memory...
The waves were playing on those rocks - The rocks were used to it.
Thoughts were playing in our minds - We were used to it.
We sat by the beach and looked out into the sea... She made a beautiful poem, he thought of another place. Two best friends glanced, at their two best friends and smiled. We could be happy - I guess we are... :)
There were few more photos... Some very touching. Time to leave.
We say our goodbyes to the mesmerizing beach, the waves, the sunset... The thoughts.
More Arabic fela fels in the car, we stop by coffee day for a frappe. She wants chocolate. We have 7up and juice and come up with Bike and Bake! The fun times slowly draw to their close - We are back home.
Our bags are packed, we are ready to leave. We eat dinner - he fought with mom. Some people Never learn! Vek is going to miss us - He has already started the countdown. We sit on the swing and chat awhile, Vek remembers the photo I wanted! Some blinding flashes later the picture is finally taken.
Now, really, it was time to leave. The car arrives. There is Only mallu talk and laughter on the way. We sit in the car for awhile and they come up with a crazy plan of driving down to Mangalore! No, it didn't happen.*Phew*
We are finally in the bus - Very local. And we finally say goodbye. Oh, one came back with us. Apparently after all that trying to convince her to stay, he convinced himself to come!
So, goodbye Kozikode [Calicut].
Goodbye, lame author,
Goodbye beautiful beach...
But there will be more - memories, fun times, unbelievable moments.
Here's to friendship and crazy ideas!
Here's to us!
Love you ppls!
P.S: So much for thinking this shall be my shortest post!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Kerala - memories - Wayanad
Waking up early in the morning, waking them up early in the morning!
Chundalam boys arrive. The road trip begins...
.... Me and my fellow road loafer,
.... She and the guy who had a slight aversion to girls since 7th standard,
..... Our lame author and his friend ride quietly behind... [but there will be bursts of singing for pure entertainment]
..... Its going to be a long ride - My first ever road trip!
And so, I finally went to Wayanad!
A hill station, winding roads... There will be smoke breaks.
A little interesting conversation, a lot of fun. The place is beautiful, the weather was perfect. He said we were lucky. :)
Hunger creeps in, nobody had breakfast - we stop at little mallu restaurant. Chai is always good. Kerala parothas remind me of college cafeteria.
We ride again, there is little ripping... beautiful tea estates - they remind her of Ooty again. They remind me of Ooty and masala chai. We look for the right road to Eddakal caves and finally reach!
1.2km walk they said... Much more than that we realized! We climb, complain and crack lame jokes... Not to forget - nearly get trampled over by extremely fast jeeps on extremely narrow road!
The view on top will be worth it, they assured me [and themselves]. It was. The cave apparently had evolution of writing. Hah.
It was time to start the downward climb.
Funny videos, buttermilk and photos. The bike seat had heated up. I think it was here they decide to exchange places - Now she discusses Shakespeare with him :). We ride down to paddle boat lake, Vek reads a billboard ad that gives him ideas - our budding lame author after all! :) Nothing much to do there, we leave.
A silent ride to see a waterfall - Part of the ride, the bikes had to trek! We reach, it rains. We sit for awhile in our own worlds before deciding to get drenched in the rain and ride back. I have to protect my camera.[and all their cellphones!]
Riding in the rain - one of the best experiences... Ever.
Rain stops, so do we for awhile - before ripping halfway down so we get dried off. It works, there is wind-blown effect.
We reach back and go to fellow aquariuan's house. Some delicious coffee and then to a place called Zain's. Food was good - did we end up at coffee day again? I think we did.
Back home, we play some Uno - some Just Cannot remember the rules! There is mallu talk.
Soon they leave, she falls asleep, we talk.
We upload the photos - they looked beautiful. We fight about what always bothers me. There is some heart-to-heart talk. We realize. I hope this is true friendship and it lasts.... Finally its time to sleep.
Today was unbelievable.
Again, I say,
So what if it rained? It felt good.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Kerala - memories- Calicut
And thats how it started.
"Im going to Calicut, can`t come today," he said.
"Damn! Your always going of somewhere! Ditcher!"
"Come along then!"
"Are you mad??"
"No, im serious. You and her come of... I`ll arrange everything."
She said yes lets go.
And I got convinced into actually agreeing to my crazy friends` crazy plans!
Next thing we know... We`r off!!
...... Sitting in the driver`s cabin, laughing at the faces the poor boy makes, being stuck behind a very huge man.
...... Wondering about how this crazy plan was actually happening, becoming reality.
....... Glad she was by my side in this crazy adventure...
...... Too bad he didn`t have anything to eat.
...... There was a bug, it looked like my scarab. It felt lucky.
...... He smoked, we talked and fell asleep.
...... There were elephants on the way... and some late night music.
Next thing we know... We were there!
It looks like Ooty she said. But that was before reaching middle of nowhere and catching my first djang mallu auto! We walked down to the aunt`s house. Who knew how less we`d communicate!
We said hello, grinned and fell asleep.
He barged into the room, smiled and broke the shell bracelet - but that was only the begining of the things to be broken and slipped out of his hand. But no worries, it will be fixed. Oh the innocent little face! :P
We reach his house and wonder what to do. Coffee day? "You come to Calicut to go to coffee day!" remarks the funny guy.
We go anyways. There is curdy coffee. It is given away. A funny cellphone incident that will never be forgotten and the lame joker decides to be a budding author... - I wait for the book. :)
S.M street for shopping. We meet a fellow aquariuan. There is falooda and mango masti. Arabic fela fels later. Now for some deep thought on the rocks.
We go to another beach and wow! we are in awe. What a sunset, what beauty! The picture is taken, the debate continues - the camera or me.
Back home and already we have had so much fun to write about... and this is only day 1!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Blog tag game! haha!
What book are you reading?A short history of nearly everything... and some books in Landmark and Crosswords - My library!
Favourite board game: Clue! I always dreamt of being a detective in the fantasy stage of vocational choices! -Hah. I sound intellectual- Oh and yes, Scrabble in Barista and Chess on my laptop when they decide to cut the power for.. um.. the millionth time!
Favourite magazine: um...-looks around- um.. will get back to you on that... -runs away and never comes back-
Favourite smells: Ah... rain, wet earth, my favourite perfume, coffee... sigh...
Worst feeling in the world: Being talked about behind your back.. Especially when you know it! And then there is confusion...-grin-
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? Morning? Afternoon? 3 am? Oh no, I have to go to a mall...
Favourite fast food place:Um... Does Qwiky's count as fast food?-grin- and that golgappa guy!
Future child’s name: Hmm... lets not spoil that poor kid's future from now itself ok?
Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d…” : Travel the world.. Alone, with friends! Buy a horse? :D
Do you drive fast? Oh no.. of course not! Never.. I don't know the meaning of ripping...-insert evil laugh here-
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Teddy Toodles? Nah... I.sleep.alone.
Do you eat the stems on broccoli? Huh? Do I eat broccoli?
If you could dye your hair any colour, what would be your choice? Pink! Hah! you wish! Green i think...
Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in: Bangalore... Zürich! :D
Favourite sports to watch: Stuff on Animal planet? F1 I' say actually...
One nice thing about the person who sent this to you: Par...! hmm...! isn't the testimonial enough?-grin- she's ma stoopid sista and I lou her! Mwa! hehehe!
Morning person or night owl? Morning? Afternoon? 3am?
Over easy or sunny side up? I hope your referring to eggs?I only like the ones made by that nice chef on the Egypt cruise. However he makes it!
Favourite place to relax: My room, qwicky's, sometimes in class!-yes, it is true. It Can be relaxing when a teacher is un-present-
Favourite ice cream flavour: Chocalate, chocolate chip with vanilla, anything in Gelato except mango i think...
You pass this tag to – Ah well... This is the difficult question... I don't know..
Of all the people you tagged this to, who’s most likely to respond first? Hehe! Im guessing Abhijit.. or Shruti if i manage to convince her its for her own good! -grin-
Ok so what you guys have to do is copy this tag game, paste, link the person who tagged you (me!) and choose five more people to tag and link them.Go on, its not that difficult! You can do it! Fly forth my children! Fly forth!
Friday, May 9, 2008
The perfect life - Part I
"So did you like it?"
"The people here are very.. um.. not exactly fun!"
"Zurich - live it, love it!" Thats what its called, he said.
Wake up in the morning, get dressed in a hurry, pack the laptop. Put the bread, banana and flavoured yogurt... maybe some chocolate in a zip lock. Put on those suave boots, that beautiful, warm jacket. Wear that attitude and walk through that grassy path to the bus stand. The oh-so-perfect timing bus arrives and the automatic doors open. Step in and take the place by the window, opposite the map - Just to make sure its the right stop. But there is no need to worry, it will be. Always.
The perfect morning.
Walk into the building, the college. It is as perfect, with ancient stone path ways, as a college could ever be. There is a big ancient door with a big door handle. Push it and inside is a modern college with all the facilities imaginable. Greet The Researcher, he always smiles. The work is perfect. Clear doubts of students. Yes, there will be good-looking ones.
Lunch - Anything. Fela fels? Thai food? Silly Indian mensa? Its all there. The smiling Researcher pays.
Back to another typical old building, another college. More doubts, more good looking students.
Time to go home. "I'm so glad you are here! Makes it so easy for me!" said the Researcher.
The perfect job.
Catch the tram, bus on time. Back home. The door is opened and he/she is smiling. "How did it go?" they ask. "Good, may get a little boring," I say. He pulls my leg about calling the work boring. She smiles. "Are you hungry?" she asks. "Yes!" I reply. Then we put on a movie or series and watch. There is some small talk, some jokes, some fun and a lot of food. It's late, time to sleep. Check the downloads, give more suggestions, little talk, tell stories, he asks questions. "How can you think of such questions?" she laughs. Then its good night. Lets get some sleep, we are tired.
The perfect day with my people.
So what if it rained? It felt good.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Until May,
Leave me alone,
Even my phone.
I will come back
and then maybe we`ll talk
or i may forget
and decide to walk.
But when you reach me,
I shall see,
What new excuse
I can give.
Cause Im a loner,
Dont you see?
Hurt you? That could never be.
I know i mean a lot,
so leave me alone.
Its just a phase,
Its not in haste.
The day will come,
and we`ll meet,
I know you ask me to every week.
How i feel?
Even i dont know.
Im just a loner for my part,
So leave my alone, my sweetheart.
She`s going away and Im glad. She did make things difficult for me.
Sometimes.... Life`s like that.
Now is the time to think,
so come just give me a hint,
Whats on your mind today?
Again will you play?
Looking up, I catch a glimpse
Of movement in the wind.
Was that you who made
the colour in my face to fade?
When you sit next to me,
this is how i feel-
the friendship you gave to me,
is like a cold porridge meal.
So watch me as i walk away,
Into the arms of another day.
If i look back i know you`ll say,
You are going the other way.
May life bring us both the joy,
like our nice favourite toy.
We`ll leave behind the crazy blues,
As i turn life into something new.
PS : But no, i still wont like you.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Today I thought it shall all be fine,
One little chat and then he’s mine.
Today I will say what I feel,
Today I’ll call.
Today I thought I’ll stand by and wait,
Hold on to it until its too late.
Today I’ll hang on to all I have,
Today I’ll hope.
Today I heard what he had to say,
Hurt myself till I couldn’t move away.
Today I saw hatred in those eyes,
Today a part of me died.
Today I saw him walk by me,
There was something in his eyes I cannot see.
Today I wonder what I see,
Today, I decide.
Today is my day,
I’ll let go and leave.
Today I will try to come back and breathe.
Today I’ll drink.
Today I swore to do one last thing,
No hope, no love, no jealousy.
Today, I go against my principles for you,
Today I smoked.
Today I think of memories,
But happy is what I want to be,
Today I take a step, trip and stand up,
Today I try to move on.
Today its 3a.m - neither morning nor night,
My weird feeling comes to my mind,
Today you choose to message again,
Today I wake up.
No looking back and feeling down,
Today friendship is what I feel,
Today I'm happy.
Friday, April 11, 2008
New post
Alright... I am experiencing serious writer's block right now! There are so many things I want to write on... But just... can't! Damn these exams... drain everything out of you and fill it with a lot of things you won't remember later anyway and will end up referring your old books or better still, the Internet!
Ok, That was a long sentence!
Writer's block... ah... yeah ok, can't think of anything to say about it!
Well then, guess there is only one thing left to say then...
Cheers! :)
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Some fun....
A discussion among the people of the different signs... the way they'd react... on the topic of calling cards..!?!!
Aries : Don't need them. I use the telephone.
Taurus : It's rare that I go calling. People visit me.
Gemini : Calling cards! Who has the time for calling cards?
Leo : Well, if they were really wild, and impressive looking --
Virgo : I'll have to check Emily Post and see exactly what she says.
Sagittarius : My gawd! You mean people still take time for that junk?
Scorpio : If they're not home, they miss me. It's their loss, not mine.
Aquarius : I wonder if it's raining outside? I thought i heard thunder.
Cancer : Cards are so impersonal. I'd rather write a note.
Pisces : I always sense when people aren't there, and I only call on them when i get a subliminal message they want to see me.
Capricorn : The custom is perfectly proper. But there's no point in discussing the design. If it's not engraved, it's not a calling card.
Libra : Well, it all depends. If you want to do the correct thing, you should have them. It's a charming gesture. On the other hand, using them might seem pretentius today. Of course, you have to consider the reason behind the custom. Then again, there are people who can't afford calling cards.......
Well... This post is only because i found it interesting... All you critics out there [and i know there are Many of you!] Just read it and get a laugh out of it! You really don't need to analyze it!!
Oh and also... Dedicated to my so-cool aquariuan friends!
Cheers! :)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
exactly that.
fnfhfmdkdkdifhgnfskfhlskjgrshg;OISAfuh098w4t yuisldhznv wp veW!#$%^&*((((((((((())__+_)(*&^%$#@!hj2`1ikjhkjdfnhf kpkmj;lh,jyjyufhrtujrj5y456j4jsdhyyu\\\\
GO figure!
Cheers! :)
Sunday, March 16, 2008
You know when sometimes your just sitting and thoughts suddenly come flooding into your head? I mean its not intentional... It just happens! I was online on orkut, checking my mail and doing the usual shit people online do... And then suddenly, a feeling of nostalgia - I fall back into this pit of the past. A place and time where memories were reality and you had no clue your life would turn out this way...
Now i sit here, thinking of what it was like a year ago, my life - so different, so.... unpredictable. Nothing of what i thought it would be like a year later! People have come, people have gone... Some, surprisingly have managed to stick. Some i look back at, wishing things were different, some i look at, glad they were going away. New people i meet, and they interest me as always. I always manage to find something different about everybody! Some new people manage to remind me of old ones, and yet make me smile. Some make me wonder how long they'll stay.
There are a few people though, i just cannot figure out. Somebody i got to know 3 years ago, somebody who was there for me, for whom i will always be. I don't even remember what he looks like, and yet... one of the best people i have ever known in my life. One day I hope to meet you dear fuzzy li'l pink bunny, and I hope that would be one of the best days of my life. You rock man, Love ya! :)
Then comes the story of my first love... Sigh.. I guess the statement - better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all is true! That one year, i learnt more than any other time in my life! It was definitely worth all the pain of the break up and everything! Still love ya man! I hope you are really happy and do great in all that you do! And oh yeah! I Do really mean that!
Now the rest of my friends - I guess i have mentioned enough number of times how much you guys mean to me! been there for at all the right times, understand me so perfectly at times, and yet get me irritated with the things you guys manage to say! Stoopid bums! -grin- Love you peoples too... You people are great!
Alright... I guess thats as far as my oh-so-personal post goes...! I'll probably look at this a few days later and ask myself what the f**k was wrong with me... But what the hell!! Thats life!
Cheers! :)
Saturday, March 8, 2008
What if?
I have a gun and I walk home with it,
I have a gun because she says I have to do it.
Pull the trigger and shoot the male chauvinistic pig she said,
Fight for your rights, let justice be done.
“If I had a gun,” she thought,
And what If? I asked.
I would put a hole into his chest,
I would make him suffer for the way he treats me.
I would show him where his eyes belong,
I would shoot him for his “ridiculous private thoughts.”
I’d shoot that man, who’d comment on my clothes and pat me on my head,
Like that dog he owns.
But don’t your girlfriends do that? I asked,
You like it when they say it,
And they call you their bitch too!
Why shoot the man who comes to you for wisdom?
You know you like to give it.
Shoot that egotistic, discriminating man- that human,
Would I really do it? I wondered.
He thinks you are his dress-up-doll,
His stupid little plaything.
He checks you out up and down,
And treats you like his piece of meat.
You have that gun, girl,
You have that power, she said.
But we like a well-dressed man as well,
The kind that shines and comes out of his shell.
We assess that man with keen eyes,
And then we decide that yes, indeed, our choice was wise.
The gun I have, and maybe the power,
But kill a confused man?
I will not commit that crime.
Anger, frustration, ego, revenge- it is the same everywhere.
She wishes she had a gun,
count your lucky stars, she doesn’t have one.
I will not pull the trigger when I come home,
Treat me with respect, and I’ll give you some.
But remember, I am a woman too,
My reading is different, but my breathing the same.
This is something i wrote for my general english class in response to Gig Ryan's poem, If i had a gun.
Cheers! :)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Thoughts running in my head
Wonder whats wrong...
Does it really matter?
True friends...
how long!
Mallu boys.. Gods!
How much do i really matter ?
Apparently not enough..
Have i reached a limit?
Go on...
Where'd you go?
What to do!
-sniff sniff-
Don't some people just get it?
T-shirt episodes of fun...!?
Photography... Sigh...
What to do now!
Need to find a solution...
Just so gone!
Yes, I do think of all of this and more at one time... I know... I think a lot.
Cheers! :)
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
How does it work again?
Speak... You are deaf.
Understand... That is stupidity.
Care... There is nothing there.
It's my life you say,
People have a role in it i think.
It's my right you say,
I have mine too, i think.
We do what we want to do,
where do the others fit in?
"It's all about the he said, she said bullshit"
It always will be.
The way you think, is the right way for you.
It always will be.
The world is a weird place...
so are my people in it.
And it always will be.
Sigh... Again... The weird way people act and react to situations in life... Always concludes as yes, indeed, People Are Strange.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
P : That guy is checkin you out.. He's so stoned!
Me : Haha! ugh!
P : He's coming over... hehe!
Stoned guy : Hi.. your drinking lime soda..
Me : yes.....
Stoned guy : Not cool.. Drink beer!
P : She doesnt like beer.
Stoned : oh.. not cool. [to P] your drinking beer.
P : ya. i know.
Stoned guy : [after Ages!] so... what-are-you-girls-doing-here?
Me : Um..
P : Just like that.
Stoned : You should drink beer.
Me : Ok.
Stoned : So, how come just two girls? You don't often see just two girls come like this.
P : Ya well, we like spending time together.
Stoned guy : [really slooowwwly] So... you girls.... are... together then?
P : yes.
Stoned : Oh.
Stoned : Guess where my girlfriend is from! Guess! Guess!
Me and P together : Kazhakistan! Pakistan! Christ college!?
Stoned : No... Kuwait!
Us : oh.
Stoned : [to me] My girlfriend thinks i don't have good bisceps. Why do you think?
Me : Ask her!
Stoned : But I did!
Me : What did she say?
Stoned : No, tell me what you think!
Me : Ask her!
Stoned : No.......
Me : Ok.
P : [comes back] So... You were telling us about your ex girlfriend!
Stoned : Ex?
P : [oops] No, i meant your girlfriend. Girlfriend.
Stoned : No... Tell me... Why do you think ex?
P : No, tell me... your girlfriend.
Stoned : hmm. What do you do? where do you study?
Us :Near here only.
Stoned : oh. ok.
Me : near here.
Stoned : ok.
Hahahaha! the whole conversation is big and he spoke sooo slooow!!! Funny!!! P man... Your the girl! Girls rule!!
Saturday, February 2, 2008

In love with that place!! From offerings to Amon Ra to picking up crocs to Nile cruise to bakshish!! Not to mention that loooonnng list of temples visited!! Perfect holiday ever!
And yes... of course, the many wonderful pictures taken by the DSLR... sigh...
The pyramids, trust me, are not all that great... your driving in the middle of the city, traffic and everything... and suddenly the guide says, look to your left... and behold! the wonder of the world! It is indeed hyped and not all that magnificant if you ask me...

If you ever go to Egypt, You must eat the food there... delicious! and visit the market! Its so much fun bargaining with them! [be sure you have the time for it though!] Buy some essence... Its good stuff.
There are a LOT of temples.. so be prepared to admire ancient art and architecure... Too much "guide-lecture" may bore you though...
Life can sure be funn sometimes! :)
Confused reality...
IT happens........... They turn back.
IT happens........... Memories blur.
IT happens.......... You walk away.
IT happens.......... Eyes see.
IT happens.......... Fools feed.
IT happens.......... There wont be a reason.
IT happens.......... Its not just the season.
IT happens.......... You may laugh.
IT happens.......... It could be a mask.
IT happens.......... There will be questions.
shIT happens...... And thats the simple answer.
This was thoughts i had in class about another person's life.... very random again... i know... i may add more later... anyways shIT happens!
cheers! :)
Happy b day...?
I have an exam tomorrow and here i am... feeling weird...
It has been a good day, there is no denying that... and yet, there is something missing... It's just Not complete... But then again, you can't have it all!
I am 19 today... I Do feel 19... but there are times i feel 18,17,16,15,14....5! Those are days of my life too... just plain memories as i look back on them today.
18, i must say, was by far my most eventful year! EVERYTHING happened then! Past, present, future... I got a blunt glimpse of it all...
Friends, have indeed played a very important role in my life! Some may not know it... But they really do matter... and so does what they say.
It does feel nice when a lot of people wish you on your birthday doesn't it? Especially when its someone you don't really expect!
Which is better? Being the first one to wish or the last one to wish?I guess different people have different philosophies! No wonder I've been getting calls and messages all day long!!! :):):)
Oh, and birthday wishes do come true! You know... the ones you make before blowing of the candle on your cake...? [matchstick in my case!] Things like that really Do make your day !
Oh well... summing it all up... It doesn't matter that I had to be there for a devastated close friend cause he lost someone precious and had to face the horrors of death, or the fact that i still kind of, li'l bit wish Somebody would wish me, Or that my best friend a.k.a stoopid sista is half asleep on the bed listening to random music and messaging some random guy!
It doesn't even matter that i have an exam tomorrow and i don't know what I'm going to write!..... well... ok... maybe that matters a li'l...!
I am 19 today!!! My last teenage year!!! And I'm going to make the most of it!!!
-walks away in absolute teenage rebellion-
P.S: Well... there is also the whole shit about I am going to be responsible and mature now like dad wants me to be and everything... but what the hell, won't really bore you or myself with that!! :):)
Thats when this feeling of Blehness creeps into you... Its not happy, its not really sad... its not even truly angry... You feel hate, yes.. But you could also be thinking of something very deeply...
Its when you want to be left like that... You know it will pass... But when its here, some people rather accept it. It makes you want to sigh and breathe deeply, it makes you want to just be pissed off and shout at someone, it makes you want to cry, get drunk, listen to loud music...
But it will pass... It will come again, no doubt... But again, it will pass...
Yes children, thats the circle of life.
Just plain weird!
That makes things so, and then plunder.
What to do What to do What to do?
This need to stop it is nothing new.
Is there somebody either way,
wonder where the true feelings really lay.
Jealous, betrayed or just disappointed?
Wait or .......?
Happiness is momentary.
It is one, alone feeling to battle away the many that come more easily.
Brother, don't worry, I know you have faith.
Me, I don't know - how is it to keep faith?
Is it good? Is it bad? Is it simply something they lack?
Blank faces, faces filled with love... Some just show the mask they cover.
Cover your face, cover your mind,
Who you really are, who knows? Your just lying.
There is very li'l of you,
there really is.
When you look at me,
you know what it is...
People are strange,
They always were i guess..
But brother you see,
Its also you and me.
Its just plain weird,
how things turn out to be...
P.S: Each one of these stanzas were written keeping different people in mind. and also the events that took place...
Just my usual conclusions on how people can be so strange! :)
Random thoughts...
It is like an itch u cannot scratch,
it is like taking 1 step forward, and two steps behind, and 1 step forward again.
It is like the law that was never written,
It is like a book with no ending,
It is like that one song.
It is like the photo frame with no photo,
It is like the half-burnt cigarette,
It is like the unfinished conversation.
It is like the far away thought,
It is like an unknown country,
It is like a hidden away memory.
It is like something behind you,
It is like shadows on the wall,
It is like growing insanity.
It is like the wayward wind,
It is like the lonely horse,
It is like random thoughts.
It is like your old old friend,
It is like an unknown feeling,
It is... just... like that.
You know? like that.
True friendship..
They may not be like a boyfren or girlfren, but your best frend.
And not the best frens like u go out for lunch wit them and sit with them in class. It will be one person.One person who understands you when nobody does. One person who you can call Your best frend. Almost like one person who is yours. You can share everything or just nothing with this person... it really doesnt matter. They just know you anyways. They know your faults, they are there for you when nobody else can be... and they even know you keep secrets about you from them. But never will they complain. They will fight with you, but one silly poem or stupid joke will put that right.
They will stay forever. They will be yours. When the day comes for them to choose a path to walk with the one they care about the most, they will choose you. Over everybody else. That proud moment when they say Yes, you shall be my bridesmaid, or best man. That one moment when they fight for you with somebody stronger than them. That is all that matters.
I wonder if everybody has a best frend like that... they all seem to. Yet they complain that they are empty, that nobody loves them.
You may loose a man/woman you love, but if you have this kind a best fren... thats all you need. They will always be there to understand you.
Then there are other frends who come into our life and go... They seem like they mite be the perfect best fren... but they are taken... they already have their perfect best frend. You are just... There. They care for you but....
I wonder where mine is.....
what im talking about are the small addictions... Like when you are addicted to one song and you cant get it out of your head or your playlist!!! Or like that one snack you just HAVTA have when you reach home or when you lay your eyes on it!
Its just really weird.... and you turn to them especially when your going thru something intense most of the times... but i guess its ok as long as its not really harming you seriously... but do these addictions really help? i mean is it just all in your head?
but in a way that doesnt matter if it IS all in your head.. it helps you get rid of whatever your trying to atleast momentarily right?
Try these harmless addictions when you need to:
- Music!!! - tops my list... look for songs that define your mood
- Non-poisonous, edible food... small quantities at different times...not all at once!
- Writing maybe?
- play some game.... you can get addicted to it cuz you need to concentrate and get your mind of things...
- a place... maybe that place just gives you "That" feeling you know? like you need to be there...
- books.... take to reading one kind of book... mostly the kind you can connect with at that time!