Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Blog tag game! haha!

Last movie seen in a theatre: Ah.. well.. Speed Racer... Full of flowery pink and purple race tracks! ugh!

What book are you reading?A short history of nearly everything... and some books in Landmark and Crosswords - My library!

Favourite board game: Clue! I always dreamt of being a detective in the fantasy stage of vocational choices! -Hah. I sound intellectual- Oh and yes, Scrabble in Barista and Chess on my laptop when they decide to cut the power for.. um.. the millionth time!

Favourite magazine: um...-looks around- um.. will get back to you on that... -runs away and never comes back-

Favourite smells: Ah... rain, wet earth, my favourite perfume, coffee... sigh...

Worst feeling in the world: Being talked about behind your back.. Especially when you know it! And then there is confusion...-grin-

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? Morning? Afternoon? 3 am? Oh no, I have to go to a mall...

Favourite fast food place:Um... Does Qwiky's count as fast food?-grin- and that golgappa guy!

Future child’s name: Hmm... lets not spoil that poor kid's future from now itself ok?

Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d…” : Travel the world.. Alone, with friends! Buy a horse? :D

Do you drive fast? Oh no.. of course not! Never.. I don't know the meaning of ripping...-insert evil laugh here-

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Teddy Toodles? Nah... I.sleep.alone.

Do you eat the stems on broccoli? Huh? Do I eat broccoli?

If you could dye your hair any colour, what would be your choice? Pink! Hah! you wish! Green i think...
Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in: Bangalore... Zürich! :D

Favourite sports to watch: Stuff on Animal planet? F1 I' say actually...

One nice thing about the person who sent this to you: Par...! hmm...! isn't the testimonial enough?-grin- she's ma stoopid sista and I lou her! Mwa! hehehe!

What’s under your bed? More beds for those nice sleepover times! Ah... how i miss em!

Would you like to be born as yourself again? Yeah... I guess... Big deal.. But I wouldn't mind being somebody else either... Should be fun... -she is still thinking about this question 3 days later-

Morning person or night owl? Morning? Afternoon? 3am?

Over easy or sunny side up? I hope your referring to eggs?I only like the ones made by that nice chef on the Egypt cruise. However he makes it!

Favourite place to relax: My room, qwicky's, sometimes in class!-yes, it is true. It Can be relaxing when a teacher is un-present-

Favourite ice cream flavour:
Chocalate, chocolate chip with vanilla, anything in Gelato except mango i think...

You pass this tag to – Ah well... This is the difficult question... I don't know..

Of all the people you tagged this to, who’s most likely to respond first? Hehe! Im guessing Abhijit.. or Shruti if i manage to convince her its for her own good! -grin-

Ok so what you guys have to do is copy this tag game, paste, link the person who tagged you (me!) and choose five more people to tag and link them.Go on, its not that difficult! You can do it! Fly forth my children! Fly forth!

Friday, May 9, 2008

The perfect life - Part I

"I'm sorry you couldn't see the best weather here."
"So did you like it?"
"The people here are very.. um.. not exactly fun!"

"Zurich - live it, love it!" Thats what its called, he said.

Wake up in the morning, get dressed in a hurry, pack the laptop. Put the bread, banana and flavoured yogurt... maybe some chocolate in a zip lock. Put on those suave boots, that beautiful, warm jacket. Wear that attitude and walk through that grassy path to the bus stand. The oh-so-perfect timing bus arrives and the automatic doors open. Step in and take the place by the window, opposite the map - Just to make sure its the right stop. But there is no need to worry, it will be. Always.
The perfect morning.

Walk into the building, the college. It is as perfect, with ancient stone path ways, as a college could ever be. There is a big ancient door with a big door handle. Push it and inside is a modern college with all the facilities imaginable. Greet The Researcher, he always smiles. The work is perfect. Clear doubts of students. Yes, there will be good-looking ones.
Lunch - Anything. Fela fels? Thai food? Silly Indian mensa? Its all there. The smiling Researcher pays.
Back to another typical old building, another college. More doubts, more good looking students.
Time to go home. "I'm so glad you are here! Makes it so easy for me!" said the Researcher.
The perfect job.

Catch the tram, bus on time. Back home. The door is opened and he/she is smiling. "How did it go?" they ask. "Good, may get a little boring," I say. He pulls my leg about calling the work boring. She smiles. "Are you hungry?" she asks. "Yes!" I reply. Then we put on a movie or series and watch. There is some small talk, some jokes, some fun and a lot of food. It's late, time to sleep. Check the downloads, give more suggestions, little talk, tell stories, he asks questions. "How can you think of such questions?" she laughs. Then its good night. Lets get some sleep, we are tired.
The perfect day with my people.

So what if it rained? It felt good.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Im going away,
Until May,
Leave me alone,
Even my phone.
I will come back
and then maybe we`ll talk
or i may forget
and decide to walk.

But when you reach me,
I shall see,
What new excuse
I can give.

Cause Im a loner,
Dont you see?
Hurt you? That could never be.

I know i mean a lot,
so leave me alone.
Its just a phase,
Its not in haste.

The day will come,
and we`ll meet,
I know you ask me to every week.

How i feel?
Even i dont know.
Im just a loner for my part,
So leave my alone, my sweetheart.


This is for that friend that i once thought was worth it, but proved to be wrong and she know`s it.
She`s going away and Im glad. She did make things difficult for me.
Sometimes.... Life`s like that.

Now is the time to think,
so come just give me a hint,
Whats on your mind today?
Again will you play?

Looking up, I catch a glimpse
Of movement in the wind.
Was that you who made
the colour in my face to fade?

When you sit next to me,
this is how i feel-
the friendship you gave to me,
is like a cold porridge meal.

So watch me as i walk away,
Into the arms of another day.
If i look back i know you`ll say,
You are going the other way.

May life bring us both the joy,
like our nice favourite toy.
We`ll leave behind the crazy blues,
As i turn life into something new.

PS : But no, i still wont like you.