Saturday, July 23, 2011

The dog days are over.

Everybody's settling down. Some moving in, some moving out. Some getting married and some getting new jobs. It looks like everybody around is reaching that stage of life, together. At one go, the tables turn. Who knew getting out of college meant jumping into another roller coaster? We all did.

And still, it catches you by surprise one day when you are sitting idle, getting some time with yourself. Gone were the days where meeting friends was an everyday habit in college. No more mid day offs to laze at some homely cafe. Everybody's busy settling down. They may call it work, meetings or just stay at home time, but in the end, we are all getting in sync with the life we are about to live. It makes 6 years from now feel so close by. So natural and obvious. 

Done are those crazy teenage years where a crush seemed like forever, gone is the student life where a notebook was an essential part of your life. Everybody had their last page conversations and stories, too bad you can't have that on your blackberry. 

I guess its good to have memories to reminisce over. But it's also good to take a step back at look at the present. We may not be happy with everything we've done, with the day, with the work, with the people around us. But when you come back home and take a deep breath, talk to that person who makes you smile, you realize - we did okay.

For as long as we are happy, we did good.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The feeling of dance.

The beats, the foot tapping, the choreographed synchrony, the rush of adrenalin, the feeling of letting go – All in what one can call Dance and movement.

Dance and movement connects the body and soul. Just close your eyes and sway to your favourite song, rock out even. The feeling of your body, moving to the rhythm of the music, can be calming to some and liberating to others. Just close your eyes, turn down the lights and move to the music. It doesn’t matter that you don’t know how, you don’t need to have the right steps. All you need to do is move your body.

There is no need for inhibition, imagine nobody around you, or if it helps, someone who moves with you. Listen to your body, listen to your mind. Forget the world outside; this is Your five minutes. There are no worries in this rhythmic world, no tensions, no deadlines. Just the music and you. Do what you feel like - jump, clap, act, ride a horse.
You can dance a trance or jump and spin. There are no rules. Let your body lead you. Somewhere down the path, you may even get creative.

Breathe. Let it go and smile. The world doesn’t seem so bad any more.
