Sunday, June 15, 2008

The days of the cardboard boxes...

College started.
"Intellectually stimulating conversations" on one side, the crazy "because we like being absurd" on the other.
"Art imitates life"- The most controversial statement of the day. What is art? What is imitation? What is life!?

Why do we discuss things if we know we will never find a solution?
Because its in the ambiguity that the beauty lies.

Reminds me of the cliche statement of how its the journey that is important and not the destination.

I quote something off Chicken Soup - "I miss the days of the cardboard boxes."

Cardboard boxes = Childhood.
The age of innocence, the age where "complications" was an unknown word, the age where even a cardboard box was enough to amuse us.
And then...

We grew up.

No. I'm not saying it is a bad thing. In fact, "I'm loving it!" It's all part of this so-called life. But it is so very interesting... The experiences you have in life, your regrets, your memories, your thoughts - They all change. One day your sitting here thinking life will be this way because it can't be any other way... and before you know it, you will be saying the famous statement- "Who would have ever thought...?" or along those lines.
Doesn't it ever make you wonder?

Life is just the kind of thing that gets me thinking. It comes right before People and after "Do Not Press" buttons.


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