Saturday, February 2, 2008


No worries! this is not a social topic where im gonna say they are bad, dont do it and stuff!! :)
what im talking about are the small addictions... Like when you are addicted to one song and you cant get it out of your head or your playlist!!! Or like that one snack you just HAVTA have when you reach home or when you lay your eyes on it!

Its just really weird.... and you turn to them especially when your going thru something intense most of the times... but i guess its ok as long as its not really harming you seriously... but do these addictions really help? i mean is it just all in your head?
but in a way that doesnt matter if it IS all in your head.. it helps you get rid of whatever your trying to atleast momentarily right?

Try these harmless addictions when you need to:
  • Music!!! - tops my list... look for songs that define your mood
  • Non-poisonous, edible food... small quantities at different times...not all at once!
  • Writing maybe?
  • play some game.... you can get addicted to it cuz you need to concentrate and get your mind of things...
  • a place... maybe that place just gives you "That" feeling you know? like you need to be there...
  • books.... take to reading one kind of book... mostly the kind you can connect with at that time!
Ah.... life....

1 comment:

blah! said...

ahhh!what the... where the fuck did i leave my lighter now?..